Monday, December 3, 2012

Engaging in Immersion

The team -- getting ready to launch into our families!

The end of the three-month integration period has arrived. Friday will bring our departure into families in various towns and villages. We’ve been placed by two’s into each area. This is so that we will not be completely isolated; yet, there will be enough space between us to cause us to embrace our new environments. It won’t be without some challenges, awkwardness, and thoughts like: “What am I doing here? What should I be doing in the family?” … But at the same time there will be plenty of happiness, receiving a new family. I am being placed in Niakaramandougou, a small town north of Bouake, two hours by bus. Lina is also going to live there. We’ll be in separate families, but the same church family. So, I imagine that we’ll see one another at least a few times a week.

The church family in Niakara, standing in their new church building

The old church building in Niakara -- isn't it sweet?

Unfortunately I don’t have time to give more details about this upcoming change. But, know that I am very excited about this next step into a family. I would appreciate your prayers as I go through this transition. The next time I have internet will probably be the first week of January, when I come back to Bouake for a week of rest and processing with the rest of the team. Looking forward to giving updates at that point!

Until then, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!

As I said in an email update to some of you, I thank God for each and every one of you, who make it possible for me to be here. I pray that you would experience God’s peace this season, and that the things of this world would look shallow in comparison to the deep treasure we have in Christ.

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