Monday, October 8, 2012

Riding a Bike

{Preface: Okay – this may be a really bad idea. Forgive me, all of you writers out there reading this. I’ve decided to post this little, um, poem (if that’s what you call it), that I scratched down yesterday. There are no rules to writing, right? I will probably look back (maybe even tomorrow) and laugh (or crinkle my nose) at this. But hey, the words are true.}

Riding a bike

clears my mind
though my legs work
harder than on my bike back
home. where things feel simpler
but actually aren’t
most of the time.
is it strange how heavy breathing and
honking horns,
a sweating forehead and
squinting eyes
are all together restful? no,

it’s the mind that needs
a break from the trying
and toiling and tinkering
so that it can finally
about the things that matter.
like the fact that
God is real;
He is Creator;
the Name above names.

colors are bright on
people but dull on the
the sky is blue at times, and at others
clothed in gray,
carrying water
for the thirsty plants under
its sinking weight.
people look and stare, or smile
or question or laugh
at the toubabou

riding a bike
past their home where they
cook rice and sauce.
or past their field
where they bend from the waist
and pick, pull, pile, and plant
as they have done for
generations past.
or past the little ones,
walking home from school
with happiness or sadness
displayed without a veil.

so much to look at,
so much to ponder but not
without prayer.
because the One who is
with me
knows not only me and
speaks not only my language.
He knows those i see and
He speaks
their language too
and hears their prayers if they
pray in Jesus’ name,
but most of them don’t

because they haven’t been told
of this One who
died for them and seeks to
cover them in a
righteous gown
that’s more beautiful
than the loveliest cloth
they can find.
it is simple, this Gift.
and free.
all that is needed is faith
because Jesus
finished the work and seeks to
the lost.

there is a need
for messengers who will
love and live and labor
for and with and among
the people of
Cote d’Ivoire.
there is a need
for relationships to form
and transformation to happen
in Jesus’ name.
i pray for God’s glory
to come. Be present
in the hearts of those
i pass while
riding a bike.



  1. Oh my dear friend. This poem brought tears to my eyes. I feel like I am right there with you, experiencing the sights and smells and people all made in God's image! Our own perception of who God is is so small and narrow - this poem captures just a tiny glimpse of a whole different view of Him and His world. Priceless.

    I will read this over and over again. This is definitely Holy Spirit inspired. Thank you for being His hands and feet!!

  2. Amen Rebecca! So lovely Em. I feel like I am right there with you...

    Praying for you, sweet friend!
